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Grammy award winner Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and tabla maestro Pt. Swapan Chaudhuri, for the first time, join together to present this captivating CD.

Raga : Goojari Todi ; Teental (16beats) ; Time: 28:19

Goojari Todi: Belonging to the Todi Thaat,this is a shadava raga which employs tivra Ma and komal Re, Ga and Dha. Goojari Todi is a melancholy raga which invokes pathos. Its speciality lies in its use of komal Re,Ga, and Dha. The rendering time is the second quarter of the day.

Aroha (Ascending) : Sa Re Ga Ma' Dha NiSa ; Avaroha (Descending) : SaNiDha Ma' GaRe GaReSa

Raga : Purvi ; Time: 5:22

Purvi: Raga Puvi belongs to the Puvi Thaat. This raga emlpoys komal Re, Ga and both Mas. This is a sampurna raga. The beauty of the raga lies in its use of the notes Sa, Ga, Pa and Ni. This conjures a mood of solemnity and sobriety.

Aroha : SaRe Ga Ma'Pa Dha NiSa ; Avaroha : SaNiDhaPa Ma' Ga ReSa

Raga : Desh ; Teental ; Time: 7:08

Desh: Belonging to the Khamaj Thaat, this is a samporna raga which utilizes both the komal and shuddh Ni. Raga Desh closely resembles raga Sorath. The time of rendering is the second quarter of the night. Desh is very popular raga associated with light classical forms. Basically festive in nature, raga Desh is associated with a general feeling of celebration, especially as it relates to the rainy season.

Aroha : Sa Re Ma Pa Ni Sa ; Avaroha : SaNiDhaPa MaGa ReGaSa

Raga : Khamaj Thumri Style ; Adhdha (16 beats) ; Time: 9:05

Khamaj: Raga Khamaj belongs to the Thaat Khamaj. This is a shadava samporna raga in which Re is excluded in the Aroha and it employs both the notes of Ni. Raga Khamaj is popularly used for rendering light classical form. This particular composition is based on the Thumri style of light classical form.

Aroha : Sa Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa ; Avaroha : Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa

Raga : Mishra Pilu ; Dadra(6 beats) ; Time; 10:04

Mihra Pilu: Mihra Pilu is one of the choicest ragas for many performers in their rendering of light classical compositions. Pilu is believed to have originated from the Thaat Kafi but many muscicologist designate this to be a secondary or Mishra Raga because its nature appears to be a blend of Ragas Bhairavi, Bhimpalasi & Gauri. All the twelve notes seem to be employed in the composition. The time of rendering is the third quarter of the day.

Raga : Bhairavi ; Time: 11:44

Bhairavi: Bhairavi is a samporna raga belonging to Thaat Bhairavi and employs komal Re, Ga, Dha and Ni . This is the most popular morning raga and is normally rendered at the culmination of a concert. It is a highly evocative raga and readly lends itself to the various genre of light classical music including the Thumri, Tappa, Kajri, Bhajans, etc.

Aroha : SaReGaMa PaDha NiSa ; Avaroha : SaNiDha PaMaGa Re Sa

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